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Documents and images reproduced on this site are intended purely for general information purposes. Every reasonable effort has been made to contact the originators, or their successors, of any material not produced by The Borough of St. Marylebone Libraries. Anyone who feels his or her rights have been infringed is asked to write to us.


The hard-copy Catalogue of the 1951 Festival of Britain Sherlock Holmes Exhibition contains a number of illustrations by Ronald Searle. The illustrator’s agents requested that these were not reproduced on this site, so they have been blocked out from the following pages of the Catalogue on this web site:

Page: 9, 37, 43, 54 and 57.
The pages that contained only images by Ronald Searle (the page preceding the title page, and the inside of the back cover) have been left out of this web site altogether.

The original catalogue may be consulted in its published form in The Sherlock Holmes Collection at Marylebone Library.

Go to the 1951 Sherlock Holmes Exhibition home page.
Go to the 1951 Sherlock holmes Exhibition text index.

Last updated 22/05/01